Painting Your Life Green — Tips for a Sustainable Lifestyle

Shivangi Kochrekar
5 min readMar 23, 2021

Hey Everyone! By now you guys must have read at least one post about the importance of leading a sustainable lifestyle but just in case you are new to the term ‘sustainable lifestyle’, I’ve got it covered for you guys in this post.

Not only will I talk about what a sustainable lifestyle is but also common misconceptions attached to it, how I have incorporated it into my life and how you can too. So let’s get started

What does ‘Sustainable Living’ mean?

Basically ‘Sustainable Living’ also known as ‘Green Living’ means prioritising the use of natural and renewable resources instead of creating excess waste and depleting resources.

Everything you do in your day-to-day life has an impact on the planet, from the food you eat to the car you drive.

This doesn’t mean you have only eat vegetables and start riding a bike everywhere! Start with baby steps like consuming less meat and only driving when necessary.

So it does not mean that you have to live without any comfort but that you should consciously deal with some things and think about the choices you make in daily life.

Sustainable Living Poster

Clearing basic misconceptions about Green Living

I have heard all of the below lines used by people so many times, these are some very common misconceptions people have about Green Living.

  • Green living is expensive

The smallest of changes like walking to a nearby destination instead of driving, switching off appliances when not in use can make a difference in the environment and doesn’t cost you anything.

  • Green living is for the environment

Green living is about the environment but it is not only for the environment. It is about the earth’s people and their future generations. It is all about saving humanity by saving the planet.

  • Green living is all about recycling

Green living’s aim is not just to recycle plastic and paper; it is to reduce energy, water and virgin material usage. As much as recycling plastic is great, zero usage of disposable plastics would be better.

  • Small changes do not really matter

People always tell me that nothing’s gonna change cause only you are doing it; “What about others?” but the truth is that change begins with a single person and spreads to others, one change that is noticed and emulated by others can make a great difference.

Tips on how to incorporate ‘Sustainable Lifestyle’

Instead of broadly generalising what you can do, I’m going to break it down to specific items you can use, things you can do or avoid which helps in leading a sustainable lifestyle. I’m gonna start with some basic things which y’all can easily add and adapt into your lifestyle like I have.

  1. Use Eco-Friendly Toothbrush:

You must have heard about bamboo toothbrushes. There even are Aluminium toothbrushes where you can keep the handles and just swap the heads after they are worn out.

Aluminium Handle Toothbrush

2. Use Soaps and Shampoo Bars:

Instead of using liquid body wash, you can use a soap bar. I’m not sure if you guys know about shampoo bars, so basically instead of liquid shampoo, these are solid bars of shampoo which are as easy to use and as effective or even more than the liquid one.

Not only shampoo bars, there are conditioner bars too, I recently bought mine from along with bamboo toothbrushes. Even their packaging was completely eco-friendly which I really admired.

Just in case you use a loofah/body scrubber, you can use a cotton one instead of a plastic one.

3. Use Eco-Friendly Straw:

Whenever you go out with your friends, chances of ordering drinks such as a cold drink/ milkshake or Nariyal Paani are quite high. So it’s always handy to carry around a metal/bamboo straw around with you.

4. Use Eco-Friendly Bottles:

I always carry around my Aluminium bottle with me wherever I go. One of the biggest advantage of it is that I can carry it on the go and always refill it whenever needed, so it helps me to avoid buying disposable plastic bottles.

5. Use Eco-Friendly Bags:

SAY NO TO PLASTIC BAGS! Going to buy your grocery, just carry with you a cotton or jute bag. Carrying your lunch box to work, can easily use a jute bag.

6. Use Menstrual Cup:

This one’s for all you ladies out there. SWITCH TO MENSTRUAL CUP ALREADY! It has been a blessing for me to use one. The shift won’t be too easy but after a while it’ll work out just fine. Think about the environment ladies and your wallets too!

7. Make Smaller Cuts on Plastic Packaging:

Another basic tip is that when you make cuts on any plastic packaging like milk bags/maggi packets, make sure to keep the small piece of plastic intact to the bigger part, as it’s shown below.

Small Cut on Milk Bag

8. Avoid Plastic Cutlery:

If you are at home and have ordered food from outside, you can just ask the restaurant not to send plastic cutlery along with it. Baby steps towards sustainable living.


9. Walk Small Distances:

Saves Money/Fuel. Prevents Pollution. Good For Your Health. I don’t see a downside to this. Just do it. No, Nike did not sponsor me :(.

You must have read or heard about most of them but how many of them have you actually incorporated in your life? Very few I suppose.

A better environment starts with yourself! By simplifying, making more conscious choices, you can certainly do way better! I hope you join me by taking these small steps towards painting your life green.


(Picture Credits: Google)

